President Lyndon B. Johnson (back to camera) holding a meeting on the Arab-Israeli War. Also present were (clockwise from left): Hon. Clark Clifford, Sec. Robert McNamara, Hon. McGeorge Bundy, Sec. Dean Rusk, Hon. Nicholas Katzenbach, Amb. Llewellyn…
Clockwise from left: Clark Clifford, Robert McNamara, McGeorge Bundy, Dean Rusk, ?, ?, Walt Rosotw, and LBJ meet in the Situation Room concerning the Six Day War
Back L-R: Sec. Robert S. McNamara, Amb. Llewelyn Thompson, Walt Rostow, President Lyndon B. Johnson. Front: Hon. Nicholas Katzenbach, Sec. Dean Rusk, McGeorge Bundy
President Johnson speaks with General Earle Wheeler after the end of a meeting regarding the Six Day War in the Situation Room (Henry Fowler is on the far left with his back to the camera)
Present at this meeting: Sec. Clark Clifford, Amb. Llewelyn Thompson, Hon. Nicholas Katzenbach, Sec. Dean Rusk, Marvin Watson, President Lyndon B. Johnson, McGeorge Bundy, Walt Rostow
Front L-R: McGeorge Bundy, Richard Helms, Nicolas Katzenbach, ?. Back: Gen. Earle Wheeler, Clark Clifford, Sec. Henry Fowler, Walt Rostow, George Christian, Sec. Robert McNamara, President Lyndon B. Johnson
L-R: Clark Clifford, Atty. Gen. Nicholas Katzenbach, Amb. Llewellan Thompson, Marvin Watson, Secy. Dean Rusk, McGeorge Bundy, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Walt Rostow
L-R: Sec. Clark Clifford, Amb. Llewelyn Thompson, Hon. Nicholas Katzenbach, Sec. Dean Rusk, Marvin Watson, President Lyndon B. Johnson, McGeorge Bundy, Walt Rostow
Background L-R: George Christian, Sec. Robert S. McNamara, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Sec. Dean Rusk, 2 unidentified (soft focus) in foreground, viewed from behind.
Clockwise from left: Clark Clifford, Sec. Henry Fowler, Walt Rostow, unidentified, McGeorge Bundy, Richard Helms, Lucius Battle, Sec. Dean Rusk, President Lyndon B. Johnson (back to camera), and Sec. Robert McNamara meet in the Cabinet Room during…
Seated at table L-R: Secy. Dean Rusk, Atty. Gen. Nicholas Katzenbach, Amb. Llewellan Thompson, Walt Rostow, McGeorge Bundy, President Lyndon B. Johnson
L-R: Sec. Robert McNamara, Nicholas Katzenbach, Amb. Llewelyn Thompson, Walt Rostow, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Sec. Dean Rusk (seated), President Lyndon B. Johnson, McGeorge Bundy
Seated L-R: Nicholas Katzenbach, Amb. Llewellyn Thompson, Walt Rostow, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Sec. Robert McNamara (standing), McGeorge Bundy, Sec. Dean Rusk
Clockwise from left: Sec. Dean Rusk, Nicholas Katzenbach, Amb. Llewellyn Thompson, Walt Rostow, President Lyndon B. Johnson, McGeorge Bundy (back to camera).
L-R: Hon. Henry Fowler (Secy of Treasure), Hon. William McChesney Martin (Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System), Joe Califano, Hon. Gardner Ackely (Chairman, CEA), Hon. Charles Schultze (Director, BOB), and President Lyndon B.…
L-R: Fred Kappel (Chairman of the Board, American Tel & Tel), President Lyndon B. Johnson, Joe Califano, and Hon. John Macy (Chairman, Civil Service Commission)
Counter-clockwise from far right: Sec. Robert S. McNamara, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Sec. Dean Rusk, Richard Helms, Sec. Clark Clifford, Dean Acheson, Vice President Hubert Humphrey (leaning forward), Walt Rostow, McGeorge Bundy, George Christian
President Lyndon B. Johnson attends an Advisory Meeting on World Food Supply. Others present at the meeting include: Dr. Ivan L. Bennett (Jr.), Dr. H. F. Robinson, Dr. Claire L. Schelske, Dr. Nyle C. Brady, Dr. Lowell S. Hardin, Dr. A. T. Mosher, Dr.…
President Lyndon Baines Johnson speaks with Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban. Also present are Sec. Robert McNamara, Hon. Ephraim Evron, Amb. Avraham Harman, Hon. Walt Rostow, Hon. Eugene Rostow, and Hon. Joseph Sisco.
L-R: Sec. Robert McNamara, Walt Rostow (?) (back to camera), George Christian (?), Amb. Avraham Harmon, unidentified man (back to camera), President Lyndon B. Johnson
Notes and scribblings made by President Lyndon B. Johnson during his meeting with Japanese governors. Beneath the notepad can be seen a printout of the President's remarks to the governors.
Seated L-R: President Lyndon B. Johnson, Gen. Earl Wheeler, Sec. Robert McNamara, unidentified (back to camera). Standing L-R: Sec. Henry Fowler, Walt Rostow, Lucius Battle, Eugene Rostow, Leonard Marks, Farris Bryant, George Christian, Richard Helms…
(standing, right) Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson; seated at table (left) ?, Att. Gen. Ramsey Clark; Sec. Dean Rusk; ?; Sec. Stewart Udall; ?; seated behind (left) Joesph Califano; ?; Walt Rostow (?); ?; Mike Manatos. Seated (right) Sec. Robert Weaver; Sec.…