Lady Bird Johnson (left) and Chancellor Erhard (third from left) exchange a gift while President Lyndon B. Johnson (second from left) and an unidentified man, possibly a translator (right), look on.
Seated clockwise from left: Chancellor Ludwig Erhard, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Amb. of the Federal Republic of Germany, Amb. George McGhee, Franz Krapf, William R. Tyler, Christian Herter, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sec. Dean Rusk, Dr.…
President Lyndon B. Johnson takes Sec. Orville Freeman (passenger), McGeorge Bundy (back seat, behind Freeman) and unidentified man for a ride in his Lincoln convertible
President Lyndon B. Johnson (center) with staff. From top left: Yolanda Boozer, Vicky McCammon, Geraldine Whittington, Yoichi Okamoto (bottom left), unidentified.