Seated around table (clockwise from left): Bill Moyers, V.P. Hubert Humphrey, Amb. Arthur Goldberg, Amb. Henry Cabot Lodge, Richard Helms, Clark Clifford, George Ball (behind Rusk), Sec. Dean Rusk, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Sec. Robert McNamara,…
L-R: Amb. Arthur Goldberg, Amb. Henry Cabot Lodge, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, George Ball, Sec. Dean Rusk, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Sec. Robert McNamara, Gen. Earl Wheeler
Meeting in session. (L-R) V.P. Hubert Humphrey, Llewellyn Thompson, George Ball, McGeorge Bundy, Sec. Robert McNamara, Gen. Earle Wheeler, Carl Rowan (back to camera), Bill Moyers.
Meeting in session. Seated (L-R), near side of table: Arthur Dean, John McCloy. Far side of table: Jack Valenti, Clark Clifford, George Ball, Sec. Dean Rusk, Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson, Sec. Robert McNamara
Meeting out of session. Participants conversing with one another. McGeorge Bundy and Cyrus Vance stretching forward to each other across the table, looking at a document.