(L-R) Walt Rostow sits beside Ambassador Frederick Reinhardt on the sofa, and President Lyndon B. Johnson sits in a chair. They all smile at the camera.
President Lyndon B. Johnson (far left side of frame) talking with others aboard the flight. Included in the group were Sen. Jennings Randolph, Cong. Arch A. Moore, Cong. Harley Staggers, Cong. James G. Fulton, Gov. Charles L. Terry, Gov. Farris…
President Lyndon Johnson shaking hands with a crowd of people, many faces of kids, in front of a building with an atomic energy symbol and a sign reading Welcome to Idaho Falls President Johnson.
Seated (clockwise from left): Sec. Robert Weaver; Gov. Farris Bryant (?); Gov. Grant Sawyer (?); Gov. John Volpe; Barefoot Sanders; Sec. Robert McNamara; Gov. William Scranton; ?; Sec. Willard Wirtz; Sec. John Gardner; ?: Atty. Gen. Nicholas…
President Lyndon B. Johnson takes Sec. Robert McNamara (passenger seat) and Margaret McNamara (back seat) for a ride in his amphicar. Man on back is unidentified.