Seated, (L-R) Mary Faulk Cook presents book to Lady Bird Johnson; Standing behind them, (L-R) Congressman Henry Gonzales, Congressman Jake Pickle look on.
Mr. Alan Pifer (President of Carnegie Corporation) speaks at the podium, while President Lyndon B. Johnson looks on from right frame. Unidentified men sit and stand at left frame.
L-R: John McCloy, J. Lee Rankin (General Counsel), Sen. Richard Russell, Cong. Gerald Ford, Chief Justice Earl Warren, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Allen Dulles, Sen. John Sherman Cooper, and Cong. Hale Boggs
Seated, posing for camera (L-R) Patrick Nugent, Luci Johnson Nugent, Lady Bird Johnson, Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson, Lyn Nugent, Lynda Johnson, Charles Robb. (Standing, right: unidentified). The dog Yuki is on the carpet between the feet of Lady Bird…
L-R: Unidentified, President Lyndon Baines Johnson, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Lady Bird Johnson, Muriel Humphrey, Mrs. Diaz Ordaz, and President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz admire a machete given to President Johnson by the Diaz Ordaz sons.
L-R: President Lyndon Baines Johnson, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, Lady Bird Johnson, Mrs. Hubert H. Humphrey, President and Mrs. Diaz Ordaz, as others look on
Front row, L-R: Vice President and Mrs. Hubert H. Humphrey, Mrs. Diaz Ordaz, President Lyndon Baines Johnson, President Diaz Ordaz, Lady Bird Johnson and others
(L-R) Mrs. Johnson, Francis J. Galbraith, U.S. Ambassador to Singapore, and Mrs. Lee Kwan Yew listen to remarks being made at the ceremony welcoming His Excellency Lee Kwan Yew, Singapore Ambassador to the U.S.
L-R: Robert (Bob) Hardesty and President Lyndon B. Johnson. President Johnson shakes hands with Robert Hardesty during a receiving line for the Businessmen's Dinner.
Gen. Joseph A. Ankrah and members of his entourage adorn President Lyndon Baines Johnson with a Kente textile from Ghana as Sec. Dean Rusk and others look on.
Charles Robb, Lynda Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson, Luci Johnson Nugent (not seen), Patrick Nugent all in the car with LBJ at the wheel, Yuki hangin out the window
President Lyndon B. Johnson speaks from podium, as large groups behind him and in foreground look on. Others present include: L-R: Cong. Charles Bennett, Cong. Morris Udall (behind Bennett, light suit), Cong. Ralph Rivers, Sen. Quentin Burdick,…
L-R: unidentified SS agents, Lady Bird Johnson, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Vice President and Mrs. Hubert Humphrey, unidentified SS agents. Statue of Liberty and helicopters in background.