Lady Bird Johnson, President Adolfo Lopez Mateos, President Lyndon B. Johnson, and Mrs. Lopez Mateos stand at attention during departure ceremonies for President Lopez Mateos. Sec. Dean Rusk is visible just behind President Lopez Mateos.
George Foreman stands next to exhibit featuring his World Heavyweight Champion belt and "Fighting Corpsman" robe which he donated to the LBJ Library in 1983.
Cartoon by Paul Conrad, published in the Los Angeles Times in 1964. Ink and grease on paper, 15"h x 13 1/8" w. LBJ ("domestic programs") is holding a struggling elephant by its ears. Caption" "It's good for him".
Yoichi Okamoto (seated on floor, right) photographs President Lyndon B. Johnson while other photographers and cinematographers (standing at left) document the scene from behind a couch.
Gen. Maxwell Tayor (3rd from left) handshake with Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson in receiving line. Navy Secretary Paul Nitze at left of frame. Gen. Harold K. Johnson seen facing the camera (ctr right).