President Lyndon B. Johnson, holding grandson Lyn Nugent, and Lady Bird Johnson with crowd of well-wishers at the airport. Large sign "Welcome home Mr. President and family"
President Lyndon B. Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson are welcomed home after leaving the White House. Lynda Bird Johnson Robb is also present. The room is filled with smiling and clapping people.
President Lyndon B. Johnson stands to the left of the podium during the NASA Distinguished Service Medals Award Ceremony for the Apollo 8 astronauts. Mrs. Luci Johnson Nugent, Mrs. Lynda Johnson Robb, and Mrs. Lady Bird Johnson are all seated in the…
President Lyndon B. Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson in the receiving line at reception for presidential appointees. L to R: unidentified, Sherman J. Maisel, Lyndon B. Johnson, Lucy Cowdin Maisel, Lady Bird Johnson
President Lyndon B. Johnson sitting in front of three television sets watching the news. The broadcast journalist, Walter Cronkite of CBS, is featured on the first television set from the left.
President Lyndon B. Johnson sits in a chair watching the news on three television sets. The CBS logo is shown on the first television set from the left.
President Lyndon Baines Johnson seated in chair, amongst his family (L-R) Lady Bird Johnson, Lynda Johnson Robb (holding infant Lucinda Robb), Luci Johnson Nugent, and Lyn Nugent. The dog Yuki is sniffing at Lyn. Christmas tree in background right.
President Lyndon Baines Johnson (seated in chair) with his family (L-R) Lady Bird Johnson, Lynda Johnson Robb (holding infant Lucinda Robb), Luci Johnson Nugent, and Lyn Nugent. Mary Rather (next to Christmas tree) and two other people in…
President Lyndon B. Johnson and the Medal of Honor winners (in no particular order) Chaplain (Captain) Angelo J. Liteky, Captain James Allen Taylor, Sergeant Sammy Lee Davis, Specialist Five Dwight Hal Johnson, and Specialist Four Gary George Wetzel…
President Lyndon B. Johnson and the Medal of Honor winners (in no particular order) Chaplain (Captain) Angelo J. Liteky, Captain James Allen Taylor, Sergeant Sammy Lee Davis, Specialist Five Dwight Hal Johnson, and Specialist Four Gary George Wetzel…
President Lyndon B. Johnson and the Medal of Honor winners (in no particular order) Chaplain (Captain) Angelo J. Liteky, Captain James Allen Taylor, Sergeant Sammy Lee Davis, Specialist Five Dwight Hal Johnson, and Specialist Four Gary George Wetzel…