President Lyndon B. Johnson, President Harry S.Truman and others walk through the Truman Library. In the background is a mural painted by Thomas Hart Benton "Independence and the Opening of the West".
Seated L-R: President Lyndon B. Johnson (flipping pages of bill); Former President Harry S.Truman (holding handful of pens). Standing behind them: Lady Bird Johnson, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Bess Truman
President Lyndon B. Johnson signs bill, Former President Harry S. Truman displays pens while Bess Truman, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, and Lady Bird Johnson look on
President Lyndon B. Johnson reaches for a pen while former President Harry S. Truman, Bess Truman, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, and Lady Bird Johnson look on
President Lyndon B. Johnson (behind podium) addresses audience, President Harry S. Truman is seated on stage in foreground. Sen. Mike Mansfield, Lady Bird Johnson, and Vice President Hubert Humphrey are among those seated on stage in background.
President Lyndon B. Johnson (center) speaking to the other memebers of the group including: Secretary Celebrezze and Secy-designate, John Gardner
James Z. Appel, M. D. , President, AMA
Charles L. Hudson, M. D. , President-elect
Percy E. Hopkins, M.…