Seated on couch (L-R) Luci Johnson Nugent, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Lyn Nugent, Lady Bird Johnson. Birthday cake on coffee table in front of them. Press seen standing in bkg, left.
President Lyndon B. Johnson leans forward to blow out the single candle on his birthday cake. Seated on couch (L-R) Luci Johnson Nugent, Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson, Lyn Nugent, Lady Bird Johnson. Press seen standing in bkg, left.
President Lyndon B. Johnson meets with Cong. E. Ross Adair (House Foreign Affairs Committee), Cong. Carl Albert (House Leadership), Hon. George Ball (US Ambassador to the UN), Cong. William Bates (House Armed Services, ranking Minority Member), Cong.…
President Lyndon B. Johnson meets with Cong. E. Ross Adair (House Foreign Affairs Committee), Cong. Carl Albert (House Leadership), Hon. George Ball (US Ambassador to the UN), Cong. William Bates (House Armed Services, ranking Minority Member), Cong.…
President Lyndon B. Johnson meets with Cong. E. Ross Adair (House Foreign Affairs Committee), Cong. Carl Albert (House Leadership), Hon. George Ball (US Ambassador to the UN), Cong. William Bates (House Armed Services, ranking Minority Member), Cong.…
L-R: President Lyndon B. Johnson and General Dwight D. Eisenhower, former US President. President Johnson visits General Eisenhower at the Walter Reed Army Hospital.
President Lyndon B. Johnson looks at a large document with General Earle Wheeler looking over his shoulder. Dean Rusk watches from a seat at the table. A photographer films from left.
President Lyndon Baines Johnson reaches across his desk and shakes hands with Lady Bird Johnson as she blows him a kiss. Interior Sec. Stewart Udall watches.
President Johnson is pointing to a shadow box of pens representing significant conservation laws passed by the Johnson administration, Interior Secretary Stewart Udall on left
Foreground L-R (backs to camera): Sec. Clark Clifford, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Sec. Dean Rusk, Amb. Ellsworth Bunker at meeting table with delegates from Vietnam. President Nguyen Van Thieu is seated directly across the table from President…
L-R (first row, seated): Florence Mahoney, Mary Lasker, President Lyndon B. Johnson (second row): Michael Gorman, Dr. Michael DeBakey, Dr. Sidney Farber, Dr. Howard Rusk
Top L-R::Michael Gorman, Dr. Michael DeBakey, Dr. Sidney Farber, and Dr. Howard Rusk. Bottom: L-R:: Florence Mahoney, Mary Lasker, and President Lyndon Baines Johnson.
L-R (first row, seated): Florence Mahoney, Mary Lasker, President Lyndon B. Johnson (second row): Michael Gorman, Dr. Michael DeBakey, Dr. Sidney Farber, Dr. Howard Rusk,
Present at this meeting: President Fidel Sanchez Hernandez (El Salvador), President Jose Joaquin Trejos Fernandez (Costa Rica), President Julio Cesar Mendez Montenegro (Guatemala), President Anastasia Somoza (Nicaragua), President Oswaldo Lopez…
Image of the Ambassadors and guests (including President Lyndon B. Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson) at a dinner hosted by Gov. Connally and Mrs. Connally from behind western singer Ray Price and his band.
Soviet Amb. Anatoly Dobrynin signs the Treaty. Other participants included Secy. Dean Rusk (who signed for the United States), British Amb. Sir Patrick Dean, and President Lyndon B. Johnson.