President Lyndon B. Johnson sits with his back to the camera at center frame. He is joined by (L-R) Unidentified Man, Walter Rostow, and Secretary Dean Rusk.
President Lyndon B. Johnson and entourage prepare to get into limousines. Sec. Dean Rusk is walking behind President Johnson, James Symington is behind Rusk. Amb. Henry Hoyt is at far left frame.
L-R: Amb. Ellis Clarke, Prime Minister Eric Eustace Williams, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Lincoln Gordon, John O'Halloran, Sec. Dean Rusk, Walt Rostow
L-R: George Christian, Pres. Joaquin Balaguer of the Dominican Republic, Colonel Marte (Interpreter), Sec. Dean Rusk, Walter Rostow, and Ass. Sec. Lincoln Gordon.
President Lyndon B. Johnson presents the Medal of Honor to the parents of Spec. Four Daniel Fernandez, Mr. Jose I. Fernandez and Mrs. Lorinda G. Fernandez.
President Lyndon B. Johnson presents the Medal of Honor to the parents of Spec. Four Daniel Fernandez, Mr. Jose I. Fernandez and Mrs. Lorinda G. Fernandez
President Lyndon B. Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson visit with Mr. And Mrs. Jose I. Fernandez, parents of Specialist Four Daniel Fernandez. Other family members are present as well as guests from the Department of Defense, Congress, Veterans'…
President Lyndon B. Johnson and Yolanda Boozer look over papers. Lady Bird Johnson is seated at far right, several Latin American Ambassadors and spouses are seated behind her.
President Lyndon B. Johnson calling to someone while Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Muriel Humphrey, Lady Bird Johnson, Lynda Johnson, and others watch parade
L-R: unidentified woman (back to camera), Lady Bird Johnson (obscured behind LBJ), President Lyndon Baines Johnson, Cong. Eligio de la Garza, Amb. Eugene Locke
L-R: Walter Baer, Thomas Cronin, Jane Cahill, Michael Kirst, John McCarter, unidentified (far background), unidentified, William Graham, Cliff Alexander (standing), Thomas Carr (seated), Erv Duggan (standing)
L-R: Secretarys Dean Rusk & Robert McNamara, Maj. Gen. William J. Crumm, President Lyndon Baines Johnson, Agent Rufus W. Youngblood (behind McNamara), others looking on
President Lyndon B. Johnson heads for Air Force One after delivering address, Gen. William J. Crumm (?) walks next to him. Also visible in the party are Sec. Dean Rusk (foreground right) and Sec. Robert McNamara (behind Rusk).
President Lyndon B. Johnson (center) meets with (clockwise from left): Benjamin H. Read (?), Richard Helms, George Christian, Averell Harriman, David Lilienthal (?), Gen. Maxwell Taylor, Sec. Robert McNamara, Gen. Nguyen Duc Thang, Sec. Dean Rusk,…
President Lyndon B. Johnson (facing camera, 3rd from right) in converation with others at the dining table. Also present: Sec. Dean Rusk (5th from right), Maj. Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu, Air Vice Marshall Nguyen Cao Ky, Sec. Robert S. McNamara.
Mrs. Johnson (center of the frame) presents Mrs. Horatio B. Buntin, Regent of the Ladies Hermitage Association, with a seedling for the grounds of the Hermitage. President Lyndon B. Johnson is seated to the right of the podium and Mrs. Johnson.