Judge Roy M. Hofheinz, Lady Bird Johnson, Robert E. Smith, President Lyndon B. Johnson, and others watch the baseball game from the office of Judge Hofheinz
President Lyndon B. Johnson listens as a young man, who is a student at the Camp Gary Job Corps Center, addresses the audience. Among those seated on the dais are Gov. John B. Connally and Sargent Shriver.
L-R: Sec. Robert McNamara (far left edge of frame), unidentified (back to camera, shaking hands with LBJ), Sen. J. William Fulbright, Sen. Mike Mansfield, President Lyndon B. Johnson. Image is double-exposed with a map of South Vietnam, Laos, and…
President Lyndon B. Johnson escrots his guests from the Jetstar to the ranch house via a Cushman golf cart. Seated in front are Lady Bird Johnson and the President. Seated in the back are, from l-r, Mathilde Krim, Mrs. Jim Bishop, and Jim Bishop…
President Lyndon B. Johnson leans across Lady Bird Johnson to confer with Vicky McCammon. Seated on the bench across from the Johnsons are, from l-r, Mrs. Jim Bishop, Jim Bishop, Arthur Krim, and Mathilde Krim. Beagles Him, Freckles, and Kim are…
President Lyndon B. Johnson looks out the window with a beagle in his lap and a beagle at his feet. Seated across from him is Lady Bird Johnson. Seated on the bench across the aisle from the Johnsons are, from l-r, Mrs. Jim Bishop, Jim Bishop,…
President Lyndon B. Johnson (seated at table) addresses crowd. Seated at his left are Lady Bird Johnson, Lynda Bird Johnson, Sen. Carl Albert, Kate Deadrich Loney (LBJ's first school teacher), Sen. Eugene McCarthy and Adm. William Raborn.
L-R: Joe Califano, Sec. Willard Wirtz, Charles Schultze, Gardner Ackley, Arthur, Okun, Sec. Robert McNamara, Sec. Henry Fowler, and President Lyndon Baines Johnson.
Vice President Hubert Humphrey holds a photo, laughing, that President Lyndon B. Johnson gave him for his 55th birthday. Photo Humphrey is holding, C1935-6, shows Humphrey and LBJ having a discussion on 5/16/1966.