Foreground: Sec. Robert McNamara and President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Others in attendence Chancellor Ludwig Erhard (seated with white tie), Amb. Lloyd Hand, Heinz Weber, and Harrry Obst.
Clockwise from President Lyndon B. Johnson: Gov. Paul Johnson (Mississippi), Gov. Harold Hughes (Iowa), Gov. John Burns (Hawaii), Gov. William Scranton (Pennsylvania), Gov. John Connally (Texas), Gov. Phil Hoff (Vermont), Gov. John Reed (Maine).
Standing or walking on airstrip (L-R) Buford Ellington, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson, Joseph Califano, Lawson Knott, unidentified lady, Elmer Staats, Mathilde Krim, Charles Schultze, Bernard Boutin
Seated at table, clockwise from left: Rev. Billy Graham, Lady Bird Johnson, Pepe Cantinflas (Mario Moreno Reyes), Max Brooks (?), Jacques Gelman (?), Lynda Johnson, President Lyndon B. Johnson; others unidentified
Group walking to platform area after the President's helicopter landed including Lady Bird Johnson, Sen. Ralph Yarborough, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Cantinflas, Cong. Henry B. Gonzales, Ken Gaddis (USSS). M/Sgt. Cleto Rodriguez (in uniform) is…
President Lyndon B. Johnson drives guests around the ranch in one of his golf carts. Seated directly behind President Johnson is Rev. Billy Graham. Seated directly behind Rev. Graham is Jack Valenti.
President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Highway Beautification Bill. Others including Sen. Jennings Randolph, Lady Bird Johnson, Sen. Daniel Inouye, and Sen. Pat McNamara look on.
President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Highway Beautification Bill. Others including Sen. Jennings Randolph, Lady Bird Johnson, and Sen. Pat McNamara look on.
President Lyndon B. Johnson hands a signing pen to Lady Bird Johnson. Others including Sen. Jennings Randolph (applauding), Sen. Daniel Inouye (behind LBJ), and Sen. Pat McNamara (behind & left of LBJ) look on.
President Lyndon B. Johnson signing the Highway Beautification Act as others, including Lady Bird Johnson, look on. Sen. Jennings Randolph is at Mrs. Johnson's right. Sen. Daniel Inouye is behind LBJ, Sen. Pat McNamara is at his left.
President Lyndon B. Johnson, lying in hospital bed, right hand resting his glasses on the sheet. Dr. James Cain standing at his bedside, looking down toward LBJ's face.
L-R:: Bernard Boutin, Deputy Director, Office of Economic Opportunity; President Lyndon B. Johnson; Sargent Shriver, Director, Office of Economic Opportunity
Seated at dining table, clockwise from President Lyndon B. Johnson: Sec. Robert McNamara, Jack Valenti, Marvin Watson, McGeorge Bundy, Bill Moyers, Sec. Dean Rusk. At left of frame, an unidentified military aide peering at them through small window…