President Lyndon B. Johnson speaks with NASA Director James Webb in the company of other NASA officials. On the table before the men is a model Saturn V rocket and Apollo space capsule.
Lady Bird Johnson listens to President Lyndon B. Johnson (not in frame) speaking. Seated next to her are Cong. Ed Edmondson and Sen. Jennings Randolph.
Assoc. Justice of the Supreme Court, Abe Fortas, presides over swearing-in of Hon. Howard Samuels as Under Secretary of Commerce. Samuels family looks on. President Lyndon Baines Johnson stands near podium at right frame.
President Lyndon B. Johnson singing the Clean Air Act. Others present include Sec. Arthur Goldberg, Sen. Edmund Muskie, Sen. Jennings Randolph, and Sec. John Gardner.
President Lyndon Baines Johnson flying from Texas to Washington with staff and family. President Johnson talking to his grandson Lyndon, Yuki sitting next to him.
President Lyndon Baines Johnson flying from Texas to Washington with staff and family. Luci Nugent plays with her son, Lyndon, and Yuki sits next to them.
Members of the White House press corps run to the telephones after President Lyndon B. Johnson announced that he would undergo gall-bladder surgery in two days.
President Lyndon B. Johnson introduces Mrs. Joseph Califano Sr. to President Giuseppe Saragat of Italy. Lady Bird Johnson (left) and Joe Califano Jr. (right) look on.
President Lyndon B. Johnson, seated at signing table, handing pens to unidentified guests to left of frame. At right of frame, Sen. Carl Hayden; 2nd from right, Sec. John Gardner; behind LBJ, Sen. Edmund Muskie.