L-R: Truong Vinh Le (glasses), Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, Nguyen Ngoc Tho, (Madame Nhu and Jean Kennedy Smith seen behind Nguyen), Truong Cong Cuu
President John F. Kennedy seated at desk. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, Sam Rayburn and Hubert Humphrey in small group behind. Gerald Ford in front of flag. President Harry Truman extreme right frame
Chancellor Adenaur's wife (striped dress), Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson, Chancellor Konrad Adenaur, unidentfied man; The Lamar Choralettes waving in background
Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson (right) unwraps a Texas hat to present to Chancellor Adenaur (left) as Mr. Weber of the event staff (center) looks on.
L-R: John Barclay, Luci Johnson, Lynda Johnson, Jim Cockrell, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson, Leonard Marks, and unidentified man pose for camera