President Lyndon B. Johnson meets with Hon. Carter Burgess and Sec. of Commerce C. R. Smith as White House photographer, Yoichi Okamoto, documents the event.
Group of ladies standing with Halloween masks on. Lady Bird Johnson clapping and wearing a red dress, Luci Johnson wearing beige pantsuit, both wearing masks.
Lyn Nugent (Patrick Lyndon Nugent) kissing one of three television screens on which the image of President Lyndon B. Johnson (his grandfather) appears.
President Lyndon B. Johnson invites astronauts and NASA employees to sign friendship stones at the LBJ Ranch. Individuals present include Captain Walter M. Shirra, Lt. Col. Donn F. Eisele, R. Walter Cunningham, Jim Webb (Director of NASA), and Thomas…
Astronaut Walter Schirra speaks from podium to members of the press as President Lyndon B. Johnson (standing), and Walter Cunningham, Donn Eisle and James Webb (all seated) look on.
Lady Bird Johnson, Harry Middleton (far left), Juanita Roberts, and others meet to discuss plans for the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library and Museum
President-elect Richard Nixon meets with President Lyndon B. Johnson and various members of the Johnson administration regarding the transition and issues the incoming administration can expect to encounter. CIA Director Richard Helms is seen in the…
Posing on the steps (clockwise L-R): Lynda Johnson Robb, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson, Luci Johnson Nugent, Patrick Lyndon (Lyn) Nugent (holding his mother's hand)
Johnson Family Portrait at the birthplace of President Johnson. Those present include: President Lyndon B. Johnson, Lynda Robb, Lady Bird Johnson, Luci Nugent, and Patrick Lyndon Nugent.
L-R: Luci Johnson Nugent, President Lyndon B. Johnson holding his grandson, Patrick Lyndon Nugent, Lady Bird Johnson, Lynda Johnson Robb, and Yuki on the patio table.