L-R: Sen. Richard Russell, unident., Sen. Harry Byrd, Sen. William Knowland, Sen. George Smathers, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (cutting cake), Sen. Sam Ervin, Sen. William Fulbright, Sen. Hubert Humphrey, Sen. John F. Kennedy, Sen. Robert Kerr
President Lyndon B. Johnson witnesses the certification done by Bernard L. Boutin, Administrator of General Services. Also present are Sen. Mike Mansfield, Cong. Charles Halleck, Bernard Boutin, Speaker Johns McCormack, Sen. George Smathers, Andrew…
Lynda Johnson (in Girl Scout uniform, left), Luci Johnson (in Brownie uniform, right) and 2 unidentified girls blow out candles on a cake as Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson looks on
At the conference table (l-r from foreground) Sen. Leverett Saltonstall, Sen. Styles Bridge, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, Edwin Weisl, unidentified, Sen. Estes Kefauver, others
Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson responds to demonstration. He was named Texas' Favorite Son (to be put inot nomination at the National Convention for President)