U.S. Senatorial candidate Lyndon B. Johnson (at microphone) addresses crowd . His mother, Rebekah Baines Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson are seated behind him on the porch.
L-R: A. Phillip Randolph (back turned to camera), George Meany, Hon. Robert Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson, President Lyndon B. Johnson, unknown, Mayor Wagner of New York City
Cong. Lyndon B. Johnson speaks before the Texas Legislature. Lt. Gov. Coke Stevenson is at left (with pipe), Rebekah Baines Johnson is seated behind him.
President Lyndon B. Johnson (standing at podium) addresses members of the press. Those seated next to podium include Joe Califano, Cong. Gerald Ford, Sen. Mike Mansfield, Sen. Everett Dirksen, Cong. Carl Albert, Cong. Hale Boggs