Cartoon by Jim Dobbins, published in the Boston Herald Traveler in June 18, 1967. Ink and grease pencil on paper, 15 1/2" h x 13 1/2" w. President Johnson leaving the Supreme Court, no caption.
Cartoon by Sam Malai, published in the New Courier in June 15, 1967. Ink and grease pencil on paper, 13 7/16" h x 10" w. President Johnson fitting U.S. Solicitor General Thurgood Marshall for a robe for the U.S. Supreme Court. The caption reads…
Cartoon by John Fischetti, published in the Publishers Newspaper Syndicate, date unknown. Ink and Ziptone on paper, 10 3/8" h x 14 7/16" w. Cartoon of two men talking and the caption reads "Remember Now, When LBJ Says 'Let Us Reason Together - Watch…
Cartoon by William S. Sandeson, published in the Fort Wayne News-Sentinel in January 1973. Ink and grease pencil on paper, 19 11/16" h x 14" w. Titled "Epitaph" cartoon shows tombstone for Lyndon Baines Johnson.
Plate, Service. Lyndon B.Johnson Administration. Designed by: Tiffany and Co. Made by: Castleton China, Inc. Original designs by Van Day Truex. Paintings for floral reproductions by Andre Piette.
Political Cartoon by Hugh Haynie. Published in the Louisville Courier-Journal, in May 7, 1964. Ink and grease pencil on illustration board, 18 13/16" h x 14 1/8" w. President Johnson holding up an elephant by the ears. Caption: "Help! Yelp! Humane…
Cartoon by Gene Basset, published in the Scripps-Howard Newspaper Alliance in November 1, 1965. Ink and grease pencil on paper, 13 11/16" h x 11 1/2" w. Two men marching, one holds a sign that reads "Stay in Vietnam," while the other sign reads "Get…
Cartoon by Paul Conrad, published in the Los Angeles Times in 1964. Ink and grease pencil on paper, 15"h x 13 1/8" w. LBJ ("domestic programs") is holding a struggling elephant by its ears. Caption" "It's good for him".
Walking down city street with church steeple in background (L-R) unidentified man, Lady Bird Johnson, unidentified woman, Cong. John McMillan, unidentified woman, Sen. Ernest Hollings.
Lady Bird Johnson and others pose for pictures outside of a plane marked "Lady Bird Special" while campaigning in San Angelo, Texas as part of the Lady Bird Special Flying Whistle Stop Tour.
"Female prisoners are being loaded on regular city passenger busses for transfer to temporary detention centers located outside the city of Detroit. These women are a part of the large number of persons arrested during the several days of rioting in…
"A Michigan National Guardsman stands guard over sus[ects who were arrested during Monday night's riots that surged to new peaks on this the 2nd day as snipers attacked 4 police stations and pinned down 4 battalions of fir4e fighters in the…