Lady Bird Johnson, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson moving through crowd, some holding placards, (including one for Republican candidate John Tower, one protesting LBJ)
Posing for camera as others look on L-R: Mary Shea Giordano, Pres. Mother Mary Peter Carthy, Lady Bird Johnson, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson. Students, others look on.
Posing in front of fireplace L-R: unidentified, Sen. Frank Moss, 2 unidentified men, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, unidentified, Sen. Henry Jackson, unidentified
Senator Lyndon B. Johnson speaking and gesturing behind podium outside a large, ornate building. Seated at right are Sen. Frank Moss and Sen. Henry Jackson.
Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson cavorting for camera, group shot with supporters lining curb and sidewalk. Four small children in foreground waving American flags.
Seated L-R: Senators Howard Cannon, E.L. Bartlett, John Sparkman (?), Sam Ervin, Henry Jackson, Stuart Symington, John Stennis, Richard Russell, Leverett Saltonstall, Styles Bridges, ?, ?, Kenneth Keating
Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, wearing a large sombrero, holding a large knife to cut the birthday cake on the table before him. Josefa Moss is to his right. 6 unidentified men look on.
Piling hands for camera L-R: Sen. Ernest Gruening, Sen. E.L. Bartlett, Sen. Oren Long, John A. Burns, Congr. Daniel Inouye, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, Sen. Mike Mansfield, Congr. Carl Albert, Sen. Theodore Green
Group portrait L-R: seated: Sen. E.L. Bartlett, Sen. Ernest Gruening, Sen. Vance Hartke, Sen. Frank Moss, Sen. Howard Cannon, Sen. Gale McGee, Sen. Clair Engle; 2nd row ladies: Lady Bird Johnson 3rd from left, others unidentified; Row 3: Sen. Eugene…
L-R: At table: Sen. Frank Church, Sen. Philip Hart, Sen. Jennings Randolph, Sen. Robert Kerr, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, Sen. Allen Frear, Sen. Herman Talmadge, unidentified, Sen. E.L. Bartlett; standing: Sen. Vance Hartke, unidentified, Sen. Stephen…
Front Row L-R: Sen. Ralph Yarborough, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Yarborough (?). Also in frame: Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Catterall, Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Stone, Lt. & Mrs. W. L. Garwood.
In foreground L-R: unidentified boy scout with shovel, Eleanor Roosevelt, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, Mrs. James Roosevelt, James Roosevelt, John Roosevelt
L-R: Sen. Gale McGee, Sen. E.L. Bartlett, Sen. Eugene McCarthy, Sen. Stephen Young, Sen. Vance Hartke, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, Mr. Bailey, former Pres. Harry S Truman, Sen. Edmund Muskie, Sen. Clair Engle, Sen. Howard Cannon, Sen. Ernest Gruening…
L-R: Sen. Gale McGee, Sen. E.L. Bartlett, Sen. Eugene McCarthy, Sen. Stephen Young, Sen. Vance Hartke, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, Mr. Bailey, former Pres. Harry S Truman, Sen. Edmund Muskie, Sen. Clair Engle, Sen. Howard Cannon, Sen. Philip Hart
Posing for camera after conference L-R: Congr. Charles Halleck, Secy. John Foster Dulles (?), Sen. Everett Dirksen, Dean Acheson (?), Speaker Sam Rayburn, Secy. Neil McElroy, Pres. Dwight Eisenhower, V.P. Richard Nixon, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson