Cartoon by Paul Conrad, published in the Los Angeles Times in 1964. Ink and grease pencil on paper, 15"h x 13 1/8" w. LBJ ("domestic programs") is holding a struggling elephant by its ears. Caption" "It's good for him".
Cartoon by Gene Basset, published in the Scripps-Howard Newspaper Alliance in November 1, 1965. Ink and grease pencil on paper, 13 11/16" h x 11 1/2" w. Two men marching, one holds a sign that reads "Stay in Vietnam," while the other sign reads "Get…
Political Cartoon by Hugh Haynie. Published in the Louisville Courier-Journal, in May 7, 1964. Ink and grease pencil on illustration board, 18 13/16" h x 14 1/8" w. President Johnson holding up an elephant by the ears. Caption: "Help! Yelp! Humane…
Plate, Service. Lyndon B.Johnson Administration. Designed by: Tiffany and Co. Made by: Castleton China, Inc. Original designs by Van Day Truex. Paintings for floral reproductions by Andre Piette.
Cartoon by William S. Sandeson, published in the Fort Wayne News-Sentinel in January 1973. Ink and grease pencil on paper, 19 11/16" h x 14" w. Titled "Epitaph" cartoon shows tombstone for Lyndon Baines Johnson.
Cartoon by John Fischetti, published in the Publishers Newspaper Syndicate, date unknown. Ink and Ziptone on paper, 10 3/8" h x 14 7/16" w. Cartoon of two men talking and the caption reads "Remember Now, When LBJ Says 'Let Us Reason Together - Watch…
Cartoon by Sam Malai, published in the New Courier in June 15, 1967. Ink and grease pencil on paper, 13 7/16" h x 10" w. President Johnson fitting U.S. Solicitor General Thurgood Marshall for a robe for the U.S. Supreme Court. The caption reads…
Cartoon by Jim Dobbins, published in the Boston Herald Traveler in June 18, 1967. Ink and grease pencil on paper, 15 1/2" h x 13 1/2" w. President Johnson leaving the Supreme Court, no caption.